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Join U-Report, Your voice matters.
Your voice, your needs, one OECS, when YOU Report

The OECS Region comprises seven (7) protocol Member States - Dominica, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Montserrat, and St Vincent and the Grenadines; four (4) associate Member States - Anguilla. British Virgin Islands, Martinique and Guadeloupe.  These islands a total population of more than 1 500 000 citizens ranging from the new-born to a growing population of centenarians, and every demographic in between.

As a Region of small island developing states located along the Eastern limits of the Caribbean, the OECS Member States face many challenges including rising sea levels, tropical systems, drought, flooding, out migration, small to medium mono-product economies and the dual challenge of a currently young population which is projected to age significantly in the coming years. 

With the mandate of the OECS Commission being centered on ensuring the wellbeing and high quality of life of the Region’s citizens through the development and successful implementation of the OECS Economic Union, it is invaluable to our work that we here first hand the challenges, perspectives, aspirations and expectations of our citizens on the various situations affecting them.  Through U-Report we hope to establish a safe and open means of hearing the voices and opinions of who call the OECS Region home.  We welcome you to this platform and look forward to getting to know you, and understand how we may better serve you.    

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.